

This is a post of things I like doing or looking at in my everyday life.
When my husband came to Denmark in 2008 and the winter came, it was the first time for him to ever see and touch snow.
I still remember when I was a child I always made snow angels, so therefore one evening when the snow had just started to fall, we went out and made this little snow angels. We had so much fun!
I simple love bobinlace.
When I were fourteen, my grandmother Doris tought me to do bobinlace. She always had something between her hands; knitting, painting, playing the piano or bobinlace. I loved the evenings when we sat together in her livingroom and she helped me. I have so many good memories of she and I together working with ouer hands.
In a museum I have seen this newspaper cutted into lacelike patterns, to be put on shelves for protections. This is the way poor people had to do it, but I think it is so beautiful!
Old wallpaper!
A spidersweb which is so pretty in the morning with a little bit of rain on the lacelike pattern.

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